My Chronicles.(Life of a Battered young woman)

Soulbase's Blog

It must have been the tenth time I had seen her this morning without a black eye. Was this really me?  The image in the mirror really didn’t reflect who I am but well shit happens in relationships and whether strange or not I was always the cesspit tank in most of the relationships I found myself in. I know a lot of you reading this will go all judgmental and say I was just a beautiful idiot (well not your typical beautiful girl that would have guys drooling and professing love to me by saying i was the only mosquito in their net so I should just bite them) and but hey I might even agree with you. But before you go any further than that, at least take your time to read my story and get to know me just a little bit.

Growing up, I had seen…

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About Kwabena

Career Student
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